It All Began When They Said "No."

Starting my own law practice was not a lifelong dream, nor was it on my vision board. 

In my young life, I’ve had a pretty stellar career path – working as a Senate Aide at the Texas State Capitol, serving for 12 years as a U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Officer, and now I’m a lawyer and entrepreneur.

When I graduated from law school, I thought my dream was to clock in everyday at Big Law’s desk, practicing law. After applying for hundreds of jobs, and I do mean hundreds, and being told NO, after NO, after NO, and did I say NO? 

Cosmetologist, chef, lobbyist, college professor, housewife, community volunteer, nonprofit executive, Naval Officer

If not a lawyer, then what?

AT HOME! On Youtube. And guesting on podcasts, on VIP Strategy Sessions with my delightful clients, making dinner.


Using extra words, expletives, thriller or horror movies, littering, "red-flavored" drinks ...cause what is that anyway? LOL


JESUS! FAMILY! Good food, sweet tea, lemonade, silence, cancelled meetings, text messages, attention to detail, D-list movies


After spending time in the corporate world, I quickly realized that I was out of alignment. Despite the wonderful experience I gained, I understood that my power lies in my purpose, and corporate America wasn’t it. So, I QUIT. Now, I’m not one to just quit anything. On the contrary, I pride myself on being responsible, relentless, and rational. But I just couldn’t anymore. Knowing what I needed to do, every moment I spent working elsewhere felt wrong.

So, I stepped out on faith and opened Talbert Law Office, your favorite go-to resource for all things business, nonprofit, and intellectual property. Unlike other law firms, TLO is not just a transactional exchange of goods and services. We’re revolutionizing legal services by dismantling the traditional attorney/client relationship and creating partnerships in which successes are celebrated and frequent, needs are anticipated and met, and peace of mind overflows with every experience

Many of my clients not only keep me in their pocket but also share their biggest successes with me, and I revel inside of each one.

So my virtual law firm, Talbert Law Office was born from my passion for supporting my community and developing avenues of limitless opportunity for us.

I decided to start taking on my own clients – not to start a law firm, but just to make ends meet. Until I found my Big Law job, of course.  One year later, I did get my BigLaw “dream” job, and that “dream” quickly became a nightmare. I hated it!! I missed my autonomy. I missed being in the community. And I knew there was a better way to deliver legal services.

I’ve always felt a deep sense of responsibility toward people around me. To me, there is no greater joy than to be of service to others. This also explains my incessant desire to work beyond the four walls of my office & remain active within my community. 

We are Advocacy in Action. 
Proud of our service to clients; prouder of our service to community.

Talbert Law Office is more than just a business; it’s my ministry. 

The Social Proof Podcast




The 12-Week Year


Sweet Tea, duh!


Married to Real Estate



my happy place!


The Earl B. Gilliam
Bar Association

The Justice Workshop

San Diegans for Justice


Decriminalizing Neighborhoods

National Naval Officer's Association, San Diego Chapter

San Diego Lawyer
Volunteer Program

my guilty pleasure










night owl

no topsheet




Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree? 

This      That


“One of the best legal experiences of my professional career. My trademark application was handled in a very efficient and timely manner, and I’m grateful to have had Talbert Law Office in my corner. Highly recommend!!”

- jessica jolia

so they say:

let's work together

I'm pretty sure we did. 
So, what are you waiting for?

did we just become best friends?